Thursday, October 20, 2011

Times they are a Changing

This is another post of lists (I am probably running out the door soon so it's gotta be short)
  1. Sweets here taste funny. I don't know if it's because it's sugar > butter or if its sugar>corn syrup. I'm not a huge fan.
  2. SHWARMA IS DELICIOUS. especially when you haven't had lunch and its 6 pm.
  3. I'm starting to speak colloquial! its great!
  4. Eggs are still delicious.
  5. Salt is the new sugar. And it goes well with raw onion
  6. Ben and Jerry Pints of ice cream look so much bigger here (keep your minds out of the gutter). I don't know if it's because packaging is smaller here or if they actually package these pints differently 
  7. I have become totally inept at planning farther than the next day. And I often forget what day of the week it is
  8. What seems like important news is very different here. 
  9. All American TV becomes good TV. except for the doctors. That's just crap.
  10. If you don't ask for what you want/need you're not gonna get it. And that's hard for me.
  11. I still can go through a pack of gum in 2 days. 
 Alright gotta run. more later. especially since I GO TO TEL AVIV NEXT WEEKEND! turns out i have reaaaaally distant relatives here. who knew?

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