Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things I do in my free time in Israel

  1. Facebook/Skype
  2. Google translate
  3. Hang out with my host family. 
  4. Listen to arabic conversations. try and discern what is happening (i'm getting better at it!)
  5. Watch arabic soap operas. Try and discern what is happening (not as easy...but i'm trying)
  6. Work out in my room (thank you julia s for
  7. Dance on the roof (in the mornings as the sunrises. please be jealous)
  8. Read a ridiculous number of webcomics and manga ( READ IT SO GOOD)
  9. Mooch off of Jews I barely know for weekends away.
  10. Learn Israeli public transportation
  11. Go for walks in Lakiya/mountains
  12. Get mistaken as an Israeli/someone who speaks Hebrew
  13. Get stared at, whistled at, laughed at. alot. 
I start teaching next week!!! I will get small groups of students throughout the day, and will host a discussion. basically: i get to talk to people. in english. it should be fun. only question... what do i do my first discussion about?

Irony: one of the heads of my NGO is going to be in DC at the end of October. Really wish I could go and see DC in the fall and play tour guide. It's one of my fave things to do.

anyways. That's all folks.catch ya on the flip side (10 pts if you know the epic movie i'm referring to)

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