Friday, December 16, 2011

Food, and the ongoing culture shift

Hello, Friends, family, and random strangers that stumble on my blog,

So: what's new in my life? fantastic question. thank you for asking.

`1. Bureaucracy. Went AGAIN to Beersheva to talk to the interior ministry. because my visa expires tomorrow and i still hadn't heard anything from the Jewish agency. They said they hadn't heard anything and wait for a phone call. I reminded them about how my visa expires. they shrugged. I wanted to laugh. In the states this would be  A BIG DEAL. but being an american jewish girl.... it isn't. so. we'll see what happens. *sigh*

2. I'm sick. head cold. colored mucus. not fun. tea. honey. lemon. salt. soup. also: biscuits with honey is delicious and makes my throat feel amazing

3. Still busy with work. Went to Jerusalem for a bazaar on Thursday. A slow day, but I think we made some good contacts for the future. Plus we might get some tourism out of it, so it wasn't a total waste. just a frickin long day. and this cold has taken my energy. blegh.

4. Getting geared up for sending holiday love back home. I won't say anymore: but you'll know when you get it.

Other things going on in life: clash of cultures continue! Basically here's what happens. I don't mind meeting people and being a guest. It's flattering, but I can't do it for like 3-4 hours. Most of the time in Lakiya, that seems to be the norm. You sit down, usually for tea. You chat, you stay for a meal, or a snack. And you really can't leave until you have eaten. It actually drives me nuts, for personal reasons.

I won't go into too much detail: but I have had a long and complicated relationship with food. Diets, emotional eating, social eating, it goes on and on. I don't really want to explain it here. What i do want to say is at this point in my life eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm full is important for me. Additionally, I can't forbid or restrict foods: it takes me to a really negative place.

Normally,at Khadra's, it's really chill and I don't usually worry about it. When I'm at other people's houses, it becomes a totally different issue. Leaving without eating becomes an insult. And then they pressure you to eat a lot. I get it: food is still a big deal in their community. Many people 40s and up experienced hunger. But I can't explain my relationship to food to every house i go to, nor can i do it justice in Arabic. I try and strategically plan it now, but at times I get frustrated that it becomes impossible to leave someone's house.

Which is what I did today. I had to go over to my old host family: the Abd'ullahs, today to hand back a cord i accidentally took with me. I came around 1230, having a small snack before I went. We had tea, and then I went with them to the grandmother's house for a big family lunch. It was nice, I really enjoy that extended family, and it looks like I will start tutoring one of the kids in English! But after lunch, tea, and dessert, i was tired and ready to come back to Khadra's.

So, somethings still take adjusting to. I'm hoping to start putting up more photos. They aren't the best, but i'm going to try and start being more proactive in taking photos/having photos of me here as well (especially for you mom).

That's all. super tired. gonna hit the sack. Much love,

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