Monday, December 12, 2011

Rumination on photography and living to the fullest

Blah, computers. I had started writing this post, and BOOM. GONE. So annoying.

Anyways: back to the point of this blog post. Me ruminating about photos.

As you know... I didn't have a camera for the first two months I was here (dear god, where does time go?). I didn't really notice it (other than wishing I could show y'all photos of here). And now, that I have both my awesome fujifilm instant photo camera and the digital one, I've been thinking more about the importance of photos, memories, and how it relates to travel (there's a reason I went to william and mary...).

So let's give some back story on me and my less than enthusiastic photo taking. couple of reasons
  1.  I forget to bring my camera with me
  2. I forget to take photos. Caught in the moment of doing things
  3. I feel awkward taking photos. Especially of strangers (which I love to do)
  4.  I know way too many people that take too many photos
  5. I am far more future focused than past
I think the last two the most important. We all know the obsessive photo takers. They take photos as you are leaving a place, entering a new one, need 5 group shots, and another 3 of you eating. It becomes exhausting, and you get very sick of the camera. Plus, it feels like you care more about preserving the present than LIVING IT. Ironic...

More fundamental to my personality: I have always been thinking about the next thing. It can be good: you don't worry so much about the past. mistakes, etc. But it definitely means I don't try and preserve some of these moments for the future. I will not always remember exactly what Lakiya looks like. And, I want to remember my time here. Perhaps not every moment, but some.

So I'm starting to take photos. I love the way people show up on my fujifilm camera (i'll hopefully get near a scanner soon to show more of them). Mom wants me to have photos of my daily life. With people taking photos of me all around. Perhaps I'll get around to doing some of that. We'll see....

I've also realized that taking photos can be a memory as well. I saw Ghadir and Emir this evening sitting and chatting on their bed (as they usually do) and i wanted to take a photo. Grabbed my fuji camera and took one. They of course, got interested... and a 15 photo shoot ensued. Initially, I was very guarded about my film (it's expensive! It goes so quickly!). But: if I don't use it: what's the point? And we had so much fun, I showed them how to use the camera (easy pt and shoot) and they loved watching them develop. Plus, I gave a few to them (i kept my favorites...). And we took some great ones. Ghadir is especially photogenic. I was able to take photos of a few pretty well. But hopefully I'll get the rest up later. here are some now: 
1. Ghadir
2. I really hope you know who that is.
3. You know who and Emir
if you guess Voldermort, I may actually use cruciatus curse. I had to look that up to make sure I used the right word for that. For those of you who are confused: Google.

Other highlights this week:

Went into Beersheva Thursday and met another couch surfer! Her name is Andrea, originally from Ecuador. She's really nice, and we went to a party/bar and I met some of her friends. It was nice to have a night out, and have a bit to drink.

As I was waiting for Andrea at one point on Friday, I had a conversation in Hebrew, which was remarkable since I don't speak Hebrew. Luckily... it was very basic. And I know Arabic. Still, amusing how much you can convey without language. or limited use. 

Saturday: what was supposed to be a lazy day turned into a mad rush to Sidreh because a group that supposedly spoke Arabic... didn't. Sigh. They were nice. And a group of Americans from the Embassy came down to shop. Left with two special orders, a wall hanging, couple pillows, and two smaller pieces. Basically: I sold around 6,000 shekles. That's like 1600 USD. I was proud of myself.

Sunday: Sidreh helped organize a protest for the Prevar plan (the one that threatens to move 30,000 + Bedouins from their homes to officially recognized Bedouin towns). Al Jazeera covered the protest. I didn't go because I had worked the day before. Thus I sat around all day on my computer.

It's true: I am addicted to my computer. I'm getting better... I think. I'm gonna go now and spend the rest of my night reading the 2nd book in the stieg larsson trilogy. And dream about learning Swedish to read more swedish crime novels. And talk to Alexander Skarsgard.

That's all folks. Much love as always,

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