Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Katie vs Sim Card: so far 0-1

So it turns out you can mess up sim cards....who knew? Somehow I got mine rejected and had to buy another one *grumble* was not happy. contact me if you want my number :) all the calls/texts, no matter from where (even from ol america) are free. its sweet.

Fun recent facts:
- stopped by the elementary school because Aliyahn (Khadra's husband) had to drop off money to Ghadir for snack/lunch (they don't really do lunch here). So I went inside with him before work. Kids always think I'm super exotic and so were constantly staring at me. When we got to Ghadir's classroom she was soo happy to see me (I think I increased her cool factor x10). All the other kids stared/tried to get a reaction out of me. I tried not to do anything for fear of rioting/chaos.

- Going from vegetarian --> meat eater isn't easy. Terrible stomach issues the other day. So I'm cutting back/avoiding again when possible

-I've traveled to another country and I'm....doing business research (Kim and Ellen: I adapted the SGG format for what we're doing here!).

- Signs I'm adjusting: I'm becoming obsessed with Zatar (israeli herb) being in all my food. Even black coffee with sugar (a lot of sugar) is growing on me

Hope everyone has a sweet Rosh Hashannah!
p.s If you don't know what Rosh Hashannah ask. It's always good to know about other people. But that's a rant about America for another day.

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