Thursday, February 2, 2012

Because I am still alive... if you were wondering

Shalom y'all,

So... new blog post. I felt a need to write this, although I am not sure where it will go, so bear with me today. I am stuck at the house for reasons I will explain, but for now UPDATE.

First: what have I been doing. Multiple choice test
a) injuring my foot
b) going to Tel Aviv
c) eating maklouba
d) seeing the movie warhorse
e) all of the above

did you guess e? GOOD JOB! A+! I did do all of that. So first. the foot.

As most of you know, I love working out. I love sweating, pushing myself, and feeling so damn strong after a workout. Recently, as I am kind of stuck with indoor workouts, I became obsessed with bodyrock ( if you are interested). Only problem: I was using very very old shoes. And I am lazy about 1) going out to shop and 2) forking over a 100+ dollars for shoes.

My body however, did not like this. and decided enough was enough. So one morning about a week and half ago, my right leg was on fire when I walked on it. Immediately I thought "shin splints" even though i've never had them. Smart. So I stopped
my circuit training (did do pushups and floor stuff...but no weight on the foot)

this had ramifications. Since I do not have a car or bike... i must rely on other people for rides. Let me tell you now: its a pain in the ass. People forget about me. Tutoring now is not just two hours, but four since i have to sit around waiting for rides. And I have a huge guilt trip b/c it feels like im inconveniencing people. But... I can't walk. If i could I would. And I will when I can (soon. its getting better!).

Other slight problem, my host family doesn't feel comfortable going into the Elsaneh family area. Something about interfamily violence. *sigh* no one else seems to understand it. So i can't get rides from them. It's frustrating, but I suppose I have to learn to rely on others too. gerrr.

Still, I went to Tel Aviv. I had a meeting for work and decided to stay. How did I get around with my foot? RENTED BICYCLES. awesomeness barely covers it. So it went well. I got my hair cut, new shoes, and stayed with my friend Lauren for the weekend. It was very chill and exactly what I wanted. I enjoy Tel Aviv a lot and it a long with Haifa would be places I could totally live in.

So food. So. much. Maklouba. One week I think I had it 3-4 times. It's great...but gah, sometimes a girl needs a break! Food has been a big issue for me because of my history of negativity with food. I'm just going to have to stand up and say thank you but no, i'm fine. some people will be upset, but i can say it's a cultural thing. i hope. The emotions I go through with feeling guilty after overeating/out of control aren't worth it at all. And I have to take care of myself. Intuitive eating is crucial for me not just physically, but mentally too.

Another break I took was to go see warhorse. By took I mean I was picked up from tutoring (before I knew about these family issues and the family still drove me) and they (the two eldest sons and their half brother) were going to the movies. Did I want to come? Seeing as I hadn't been to the movies...I said fuck it! Let's do it! And we saw warhorse. which was good. Strangeness: israeli movie theaters give you a five min break in the middle. for all the tiny bladder ppl: go to israel to see a movie. or just see them at home and save your money.

That's the main update. Crazy mental update: I have only 2 1/2 months left. EEEEEEEEP. i guess i need to start looking at plane tickets for coming home. So strange to think that's happening. Like how i thought about coming here. When you realize it's going to be a REALITY, it's hard to fathom. for so long it's been floating far and away, unrealistically.

To be fair, 2 1/2 months is a long time. Long enough for me to go to the UK in March and back. Long enough to do a few more trips, celebrate passover, and even complete another big project or two for work. I don't even plan on going home til the beginning of May.

It's also weird becasue I'm mentally preparing for the next steps. Preparing for leaving here. Preparing for work next year (Peace Corps interview next week!!! and I applied to a stateside jewish year long service program too. I like being poor and doing meaningful things. I also love canned beans which helps too)

So my to do list before I leave Israel
1. get healthy
2. go to petra
3. Visit the Kineret (which i sort of did)
4. Go to the West Bank (Ramallah, Bethlehem and maybe Nablus?)
5. Visit Haifa again
6. Figure out my way home (haha it's going to happen, but in case you were worried)

i'm sure i'll do some other things too. Will keep ya posted.
Love yall ooodles. Have a glass of wine for me! And a

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