Friday, January 20, 2012

Tel Aviv, New Host, and my how time fliiiiies

Bonjour mes cheries!

(in case you don't know...that was french). So what has happened in my life since we last met? Great question, I'm so glad you asked

1. I went to Tel Aviv for the weekend. A great mental health choice (my liver wasn't so sure, but it was one weekend). I needed to get away, go out at night, and just take a breather from Lakiya. If there is a place to go for a weekend to do that: it's Israel. I couchsurfed as usual, but with a guy named Vladi. He's Russian but came to Israel after the fall of the USSR.

Nice guy, showed me some classic heavy metal which i must say i liked (well Iron Maiden...which is poppy but w/e). Hung out with him in the evenings and got to see the Russian side of night life, which was fun. We had the usual local russian bars and russian cover bands of russian muscians (talk about obscure references!). As well as the hippy band that wore rastafarian clothes, recited poetry, and shouted songs. I was also a fan of the 10 NIS (aka 3 dollar) glasses of champagne there.

I found it ironic that I went from one subculture of Israel to another. I showed him the Simpsons episode on Israel as well as Zoolander (i may have been reciting the lines most of the time but it was cool) Certainly gave me another view on Israel!

I also went to numerous coffee shops, read the newspaper, and wandered around Tel Aviv. I can't say it was the most eventful weekend, but it was fun. I met up with another American who now lives/works in Tel Aviv. She was nice/gave me some great tips for tutoring. Hopefully we can meet up again next time I come to Tel Aviv.

2. So after a weekend away, I was ready to be back in Lakiya again. And then... i moved houses. It was a suprise for me too. But I'm glad I did. The new family.... ummm i don't know all of their names/their family  name yet. I'll get on that. Totally different part of town and a different clan. It's a beautiful house, I have my own room (once again...they are being way too nice but its the Bedouin hospitality). Here's more of a bullet pt breakdown of the family
  • The dad has two wives. I'm not sure if the one I am with is number 1 or 2. His father has....SEVEN. Polygamy definitely still happens here but it's off the books.
  • The mom is from the north, not exactly sure where. This means her dialect is somewhat different so i have a hard time understanding. The kids use a blend of bedouin/levantine accent. It's cool.
  • The mom is also a teacher in middle school. 
  • Seven kids, 5 girls, 2 boys. Ranging from senior in high school to first grade. They are super nice and I enjoy playing with them. More on that later.
  • They have internet on a net stick. I'm trying not to abuse it... and reduce my need for it. 
So it's been an easier transition to their house. I have also been super busy with work, and tutoring this week. I'm glad I'm doing it, but now getting to the house where I tutor is like an hour long walk. Not so bad when the sun is setting, but afterwards it's dark... so i'm gonna need to get rides back/take more time  because of it.

Other things: we had a giant BYU group come yesterday. Mostly amazing because their group from last semester had come when I was in Israel for just two weeks. where has time gone? I felt far more confident with this group, my arabic is a million times better, and I had more fun with this group. Also shows how much I've adjusted here: they were all saying thank you so much. All I could think of was "why are you saying thank you...wait. omg I'VE BEEN ADJUSTING TO ISRAEL WITHOUT KNOWING IT!?!?!?!" I knew this would happen, but it's rare when you get to see it in yourself on the ground until you go home.

So i'm enjoying my new host home. I was playing with some of the girls this morning, showing them yoga poses, soccer, pushups, and a bunch of other things. Super fun, but needed some time to myself/to write this before Shabbat. I'm trying not to use electronics on shabbat. it doesn't always work, but i enjoy it so much when i really take that day like that.

Not much else to tell right now.. Looove y'all and have a fab weekend!

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