Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where did 5 1/2 months go? And Transitions

Good Evening Minions--I mean readers,

It's nearly time. I have two days left of work, and 3 1/2 days (because airports aren't really being in a country, but really transition hubs) left in Israel. It's strange. I have a lot of emotions about it. I'm ready for the next adventure, and I'm scared because I don't really know what that will be. I'm ready to leave Israel, but I will miss it. I'm ready to see friends and family but I worry about the reverse culture shock.

Things I will miss:
  • My coworkers, and the few friends I have made here
  • Fresh fruit and veggies (seriously. i had fresh kiwi the other day...it was so good)
  • The flowers filling the fields, and random animals around town
  • I can't help BUT learn Arabic here
  • Falafel and kebab shops. Some of the best/cheapest falafel in the world is in my town. i will be so sad to leave it
  • The opportunity to travel internationally (lets face it: unless i decide to work abroad again. Katie is gonna be a po po person)
  • Knowing I have a job (I have some possibilities...but most things are in the air). 
Things I am excited for
  • UK, Finally seeing St. Andrews, oh and ICELAND
  • Being in the same time zone as friends and family. SO SO SO EXCITED
  • My parent's wine cellar. 
  • My animals
  • Ridiculously long and luxurious baths
  • Not having to eat meat anymore
  •  Visiting friends at WM, USC, and roadtrips in general (i'm looking at you ohio peeps and i have another one for Disney World!)
  • My car. Yes I believe in public transportation. But I look forward to my reunion with George (my car)
  • My room. And not living out of a suitcase
  • Buying a new computer
  • Reconnecting with my Jewish community
  • Moving onto my next "thing" whatever that is. 
   Things I'm nervous about
  • Finally going to the Dentist (it's been awhile...and I haven't flossed)
  • Losing my Arabic
  • Disconnect with friends and family
  • Finding a job at least for the summer 
Let me be honest: I think I'm mostly scared about the people. Everyone changes in 6 months, and god knows that after my experiences in Israel I feel like I've grown a lot. Not this: brand new me that you see in the movies etc. But I can't help but have changed some because of it. And when I feel like I need people the most to understand, I'm scared they won't.

A little background: I came back from India to one of the toughest periods of my life. A huge amount of fallout with friends...a terrible roommate. The last thing I want is to struggle when I come home. I'm tired. I need rest and emotional healing. I don't want to go through that again (then again who does want to deal with depression?) And I guess I'm scared that I won't have that space to recharge and think.

So to all of you out there. I'm going to be different when I get back. Be patient with me. And I apologize if I don't give you every detail of my life in Israel. I don't expect every detail of your last 6 months... and after the 10th person I'll probably have a schpiel. Try not to take it personally.

Stay Classy my lovely readers,

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