Thursday, November 3, 2011

Stories...Part 1

So I want to take some time to tell some stories of the people I have met in Lakiya and Israel. So I will start with my current host mom.

Roqiya: A single mother of 5 kids (yes 5) ranging in ages from 16-7. She was married, and I'm not sure if she still is. The husband is out of the picture. She teaches at the local high school, and loves teaching girls that age. She's full of energy and passion. After she split with her husband, she went back to school and got a degree so she could teach in the school. She doesn't speak much English, but she is patient with me, and we can sort of communicate. She isn't ostracized by the community, and she has sisters and her mother live in Lakiya.

Her kids

1) Asiil: 16 years old. She wants to be a psychologist. She has short curly hair, and loves french. Her English is ok, but we can have conversations in English, which means a lot in Lakiya. I don't think she likes Lakiya much. She likes TV and of course hates school. She wants to study in Jordan, and visit her uncles who live abroad (one in Germany, one in Canada).She takes on a lot of responsibility: helping to cook, make tea, and generally be a good hostess to help her mom

2) Milad. He's 14. Um...he doesn't talk to me. Seems that teenage boys become awkward around me. I think it's the social norms. He's the resident technological person in the house aka whenever I try to use the internet he is the one we talk to. He spends a lot of time outside the house, I guess with friends. I really can't say more about him

3) Sausen: she just turned 12 or 13 (i gave her an english book for her birthday). She's nice, and her english is decent too. She's responsible like her older sister, but plays well with Sarah.  She seems to like clothes, barbies, dora the explorer (or atleast has those playing cards).

4) Emir: He's 10 I think. Obsessed with television. Literally sits inches from the television, with it blaring. I don't know him that well, and he's only a kid, so I can't judge. I just worry for his eyes and his ears...

5) Sarah: she's 7. what a little trouble maker. loves laughing, and is quite audacious. sometimes she tries to eat sugar straight.  last night, she asked about different body parts in english and asked about some specific female areas.... *rolls eyes*. she's 7, and doesn't take hints well. then again, neither did I, and now i overread everything. still, her energy is contagious. and she's got a huge personality.

A little bit about my day
-We are on good terms with the EU ambassadors wife. She came down with a friend to show her friend Lakiya weaving. I got to talk with them, and they were great. Really amazing women. The ambassador's wife has lived all over the world including Costa Rica, Israel,and Berkeley. Her friend, grew up in Lebanon, they met in California, and I heard all about her recent trip to Syria. really cool.

-afternoon/evening with Khadra's family. also found out that my plug for my computer is becoming excessively difficult. question now becomes will i try and buy an alternate while here....

-getting excited for Haifa: Bahai gradens, the old city, the beach, GREENERY GARDENS, German colony, and perhaps a day in Akko as well :-D

- being abroad reminds me how much i LOVE meeting people. not the hi how are you, but learning about other people. it's like i thrive off their passions, their stories. looking forward to meeting more people as i travel as well.

next time: previous host family and maybe some israeli stories. yes the blog posts will be long, but you know love reading them :)
احبكم كثيرا
Much love,

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